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Recent releases
Diagramming for JavaScript, V4.6
The new features are:
spatial indexing
actionUndone/actionRedone events
ShapeNode.clipText property
ContainerNode.foldedSize property
rotation fixes
strokes scaled by zoomFactor
Diagramming for Java Swing, V4.7.2
The new features are:
create custom text editors
mouse hover events
FreeFormNodes can be rotated
DividerPen property
AutoDeleteLinks property
Diagramming for WPF, V4.1.6
The new features are:
UI automation peers
LightweightPresenters property
customize fold/unfold icons
customize collapse/expand icons
customize table scroll icons
JavaScript Pack, 2024.R1
The new features are:
register controls as web components
DiagramLink improvements
TableNode improvements
TabbedDiagramView improvements
cornerRadius property
NodeListView improvements
new inplace-edit properties
Java Swing Pack, 2024.R2
The new features are:
render quality improvements
FreeFormNodes can be rotated
node.DividerPen property
spreadsheet.bringIntoView options
format cells as data bars
formula bar improvements
ExcelImporter improvements
new online editor tools
WinForms Pack, 2024.R1
The new features are:
dotnet8 samples and assemblies
improved NodeListView drag-and-drop
diagram.AutoDeleteLinks property
new CompositeLayout clustering mode
chart control improvements
spreadsheet control improvements
Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC, V4.3
The new features are:
multi-platform server support
dotnet 8 assemblies
new client-side event system
shape design enhancements
collapse and expand table rows
dividerStroke properties
support for stricter CSP rules
linkRouted event
WPF Pack, 2024.R1
The new features are:
.NET 8 support
UI virtualization improvements
NodeListView improvements
ItemLabel improvements
Drag-and-drop improvements
ContainerNode fixes
new Ruler properties
Diagramming for WinForms, V7.0.5
The new features are:
customize by SVG, bitmap or drawing callbacks:
container fold/unfold icons
+/- icons of expandable nodes
scroll icons of scrollable tables
Spreadsheet for Java Swing, V1.1
The new features are:
formula bar improvements
color target cells when entering formulas
function hints when entering formulas
escaping apostrophes in date format strings
cell editor grows while user types
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