Recent releases

The new features are:

  • container.AutoDeleteChildren
  • mouse hover events
  • pointer enter / leave events
  • Angular 18 bindings
The new features are:

  • .NET 8 support
  • UI virtualization improvements
  • NodeListView improvements
  • ItemLabel improvements
  • Drag-and-drop improvements
  • ContainerNode fixes
  • new Ruler properties
The new features are:

  • dotnet8 samples and assemblies
  • mouse hover events
  • pointer enter / leave events
  • DividerPen property
  • AutoDeleteLinks property
The new features are:

  • multiple diagram pages
  • tabbed diagram view
  • reversed tree layouts
  • async serialization
  • ContainerNode Z order fix
  • ExpandButtonAction fix
The new features are:

  • create custom text editors
  • mouse hover events
  • CreateToolTipControl event
  • scroll amount properties
  • PDF and SVG exporter fixes
The new features are:

  • PatternRouter link routing class
  • CompositeRouter link routing class
  • diagram spatial indexing
  • improved spreadsheet formula bar
  • keyboard auto-repeat modes
  • color target cells when entering formulas
  • function hints when entering formulas
The new features are:

  • register controls as web components
  • DiagramLink improvements
  • TableNode improvements
  • TabbedDiagramView improvements
  • cornerRadius property
  • NodeListView improvements
  • new inplace-edit properties
The new features are:

  • formula bar improvements
  • color target cells when entering formulas
  • function hints when entering formulas
  • escaping apostrophes in date format strings
  • cell editor grows while user types
The new features are:

  • dotnet8 samples and assemblies
  • improved NodeListView drag-and-drop
  • diagram.AutoDeleteLinks property
  • new CompositeLayout clustering mode
  • chart control improvements
  • spreadsheet control improvements
The new features are:

  • PatternRouter link routing class
  • CompositeRouter link routing class
  • spatial indexing
  • improved CompositeNode focus handling
  • new RoutingOptions properties
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